The London Meat Company has been a proud sponsor of The Craft Guild of Chefs since the birth of
The Graduate Awards. It is such an honour to see and help the young chefs achieve and gain
experience that is second to none in this industry.
The Graduate Awards has come such a long way in 20 years and it is a privilege to be a tooth in the
cog that has made it tick along beautifully and to help get where it is today. I can truly say, there isn’t
a better kick start or platform for young chefs to gain the experience to push them to the levels that
most of the achievers have accomplished in the trade.
Being included in the mentor days has always been a highlight in The London Meat Company’s
calendar and now it has evolved into the unrivalled two-day learning experience, it is one that
definitely cannot be missed.
Seeing the young chefs over the past 20 years grow and have such grand achievements, to be able to
say that I have helped even in a small way gives me great pleasure.
The Craft Guild of Chefs should be very proud of what they do and what they offer young chefs. I can
honestly say it’s one of the most satisfying things I have participated in and I will continue to support
throughout my career.
Thank you for inviting me to be a part of your great adventure.
Chris Burnham
Director of The London Meat Company Limited